It is not every engineer whose innovation has actually added a term to the English language, but so it was with African Canadian-born inventor Elijah McCoy. The automatic oiling device he invented in 1872 revolutionized steam train technology. It was much imitated, but his own version was so much more effective that for many railroads, only the “real McCoy” would do.
The son of freedom-seekers from Kentucky, Elijah was born on March 2, 1844, in Colchester, Canada
West (Ontario). His parents were George and Millie McCoy. Although born a slave, George had been
freed by his white father, Henry McCoy, a tobacco grower and cigar manufacturer, at the age of 21.
However, Millie was enslaved to the Gains family 1 and thus any children the McCoys might have were
destined, under American law, to be enslaved as well. They fled to Canada in about 1837 with the help
of the Underground Railroad.